Ukraine Peace Summit in Spotlight

Who Showed Up and Who Didn’t?

Over a hundred big shots from around the globe gathered at the fancy Burgenstock resort in Switzerland last weekend to talk peace in Ukraine. The goal? To end Russia’s relentless push against its neighbor. Sounds like a plan, right?

What Did the Communique Say?

The communique, a fancy word for a checklist of promises, covered key issues like nuclear safety, food security for Ukraine, and getting all the lost folks back home.

Who Signed On?

Eighty-two countries and organizations were all about that communique life, including heavyweights like France, Japan, and the US. They were down with the plan to bring peace to Ukraine.

Who Skipped the Signature?

India, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and others decided to sit this one out. Their reasons? India didn’t dig the party without Russia, who got left off the guest list. Saudi Arabia preached that peace talks need Russia in the room to make a real difference.

South Africa’s Side-eye

South Africa wasn’t about to sign on when Israel showed up. They’ve been beefing with Israel over some serious accusations from the UN about crimes against humanity. No signatures from them until they sort out that mess.

Roadblocks to Peace

While some countries high-fived over the communique, others hung back. Turns out, getting everyone to agree on peace isn’t just about signing papers—it’s about who’s invited to the party and who’s still got issues to sort out.