Trump Times in America; What If he returned to the White House

The Trump presidency, a period marked by dramatic shifts in both national and international policies, left a significant imprint on America and the world. As the United States navigates its future under President Joe Biden, it’s essential to reflect on the triumphs and tribulations of the Trump era, comparing them with the current administration’s approach.


This article delves into Trump’s victories and losses on both the domestic and global stages, examining how these experiences contrast with Biden’s leadership, particularly focusing on critical issues such as Israel, the Palestine conflict, war, and freedom.

National Achievements and Challenges

Economic Policies and Performance

One of Donald Trump’s most touted achievements was the pre-pandemic economic boom. Under his administration, the United States saw significant tax reforms with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which aimed to stimulate business investment and economic growth.


The stock market reached record highs, and unemployment rates fell to historic lows, particularly benefiting minority communities.

However, this period of prosperity was not without its critics. Opponents argued that the tax cuts disproportionately benefited the wealthy and increased the national deficit. Furthermore, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 reversed much of the economic progress, leading to widespread unemployment and a significant economic downturn.

Healthcare and Social Policies

Trump’s attempts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) faced substantial hurdles. While he succeeded in eliminating the individual mandate penalty, efforts to fully dismantle the ACA failed, highlighting a significant legislative loss.

Trump policy

On social issues, Trump’s administration took a conservative stance, impacting policies on immigration, LGBTQ+ rights, and women’s reproductive health.

Trump Times in America: A Comprehensive Look at His Era

International Victories and Setbacks

Middle East: Israel and the Abraham Accords


One of Trump’s most notable international achievements was the facilitation of the Abraham Accords, which saw several Arab nations, including the UAE and Bahrain, normalize relations with Israel. This marked a significant shift in Middle Eastern geopolitics, earning Trump praise for advancing peace and stability in the region.

Conversely, his policies towards Palestine were highly controversial. The recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the relocation of the U.S. embassy there inflamed tensions, leading to criticism from international allies and further complicating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Trade Wars and Global Diplomacy

Trump’s approach to international trade was characterized by a series of tariffs and trade disputes, particularly with China. These actions aimed to protect American industries and address trade imbalances but led to increased costs for American consumers and strained relations with key trade partners.

Trump Times in America: A Comprehensive Look at His Era

In Europe, Trump’s skepticism towards traditional alliances such as NATO and his criticism of allied nations’ defense spending created friction. While some appreciated his push for greater burden-sharing, others viewed it as undermining longstanding relationships.

Comparing Trump and Biden: Contrasting Visions

Domestic Policy and Economic Management

President Joe Biden’s administration has taken a markedly different approach to economic and social policies. With a focus on large-scale stimulus packages, infrastructure investment, and social safety nets, Biden aims to foster a more equitable economic recovery post-pandemic.


His administration’s emphasis on addressing systemic inequalities contrasts with Trump’s business-first approach.

On healthcare, Biden seeks to expand the ACA, aiming to provide broader coverage and lower costs, in stark contrast to Trump’s repeal efforts. Biden’s policies on immigration, climate change, and social justice also diverge significantly, emphasizing inclusivity and sustainability.

International Relations and Diplomacy

In the realm of international relations, Biden has sought to restore traditional alliances and re-engage with multilateral institutions. His administration’s efforts to re-enter the Paris Climate Agreement and negotiate with NATO allies reflect a return to conventional diplomacy.

Trump Times in America: A Comprehensive Look at His Era

Regarding Israel and Palestine, Biden has maintained support for Israel while also emphasizing the need for a two-state solution, a more balanced approach compared to Trump’s unabashedly pro-Israel stance. The ongoing conflict and the pursuit of peace remain contentious and complex issues under Biden’s leadership.

War and Freedom

Trump’s foreign policy included notable decisions such as the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria and Afghanistan, moves aimed at ending “endless wars.” However, these decisions were met with mixed reactions, with concerns about stability and power vacuums in those regions.

Trump Times in America: A Comprehensive Look at His Era

Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan marked the end of America’s longest war, a decision fraught with controversy and logistical challenges. While both administrations prioritized ending foreign conflicts, the execution and aftermath of these decisions have sparked intense debate about America’s role in global peace and security.

Media, News, and Public Perception

The media landscape during Trump’s presidency was highly polarized, with Trump often labeling mainstream news outlets as “fake news.” This adversarial relationship influenced public perception and trust in media. Biden’s approach has been more traditional, with less direct confrontation with the press, aiming to restore a more stable media environment.

In short,

The Trump era was a time of significant change and upheaval, marked by economic highs and lows, bold foreign policy moves, and deep domestic divisions. As America moves forward under President Joe Biden, the contrasts in leadership styles and policy priorities are stark. Biden’s focus on rebuilding alliances, addressing social inequalities, and tackling climate change presents a new direction for the nation.

Trump Times in America: A Comprehensive Look at His Era

In the ongoing saga of American politics, the legacies of Trump and Biden will continue to shape the country’s path. The enduring challenges of Israel and Palestine, war and peace, and the quest for freedom remain at the forefront of America’s national and international agenda, influencing the lives of Americans and the global community alike.

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